One Night Stand

January 5, 2014 § 2 Comments

Not normally my style, but I’m in full carpe diem mode, being set to move to Italy on Thursday. Friday was my last night out in the country, and so my friends convinced me to be ‘on the pull’ (not that I ever need much convincing). Arriving at the club, sufficiently inebriated, I began scouting the variety that ‘Poison’ had to offer. Unfortunately Friday is not Poison’s best night, and pickings were scarce. Upon lamenting my situation to a friend, she suggested someone I knew, albeit vaguely. This lucky lad soon became the affection of my desire, and probably due to equally copious amounts of alcohol in his system, he didn’t take much persuading. 

Now, I had no intention of sleeping with this gentleman, but I’m a bit of a believer in ‘everything happens for a reason’, so when extenuating circumstances lead to us being (almost) alone in a lift home together, I felt I couldn’t really decline his offer to spend the night with me, albeit at my house. Never have I ever had to sneak a boy into my house at 3am, so I feel my silent maveuvers round the back of the house were expertly executed. 

The sex was as expected, a drunken attempt at passion. He was a bit of a romantic though, which didn’t go unappreciated. We had some slight awkwardness the next morning, as he informed me he had a train to catch and I would have to drop him home.. but he’s a nice enough boy and we parted amicably. I don’t have his number so I couldn’t contact him if I wanted to, which is probably for the best. We’ll put this one down to experience.

(Not going to rate this one as I’m fairly sure it doesn’t count as a date, and if I start rating people based on their sexual competence this will quickly become a very different blog)

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